
Linkedin Profile Optimization For Dummies Pdf



People are researching you. Perhaps they are headed into a meeting with you, evaluating you for a job opportunity, or looking to purchase a product from you. Perhaps they met you at an event or are simply in the process of doing business with you. Whatever the reason, they want to know more about YOU.

People do business with people and with the dawn of the Internet, it's never been easier to learn more about the people we meet and do business with. All it takes is a couple clicks of the keyboard and you can get a full description of almost anyone or anything.

Not everyone has a personal website or websites devoted to them (well, unless you are a celebrity); however, the LinkedIn profile has become the de facto website for everyday professionals. A simple name search for most people returns their LinkedIn profile on the first page of search results. How does your LinkedIn profile portray you? Your LinkedIn profile is your online reputation, digital introduction, and first impression. The good news is that you have complete control over your profile and can shape how your reader perceives you.

Most people simply copy and paste their resume into their profile because it's easy, but a profile consisting of a copied-and-pasted resume impresses no one. To have a strong and optimized LinkedIn profile, you need to tell your professional story, strategically writing it toward your goals and target audience.

About This Book

This book is a how-to manual that shows you the steps to craft a strategic, compelling, and unique LinkedIn profile. I show you how to take your profile from nothing more than a simple outline to a robust, full-featured profile of you as a professional.

Although you can pick up this book at any point, I highly suggest, at the very least, reading Chapter 1 and Chapter 4. In Chapter 1, I discuss the importance of determining your LinkedIn goal and target audience. If you don't identify your goal, your profile cannot be written strategically and it will not perform adequately. Likewise, you need to understand your target audience and write to what they need to know about you.

In Chapter 4, I show you how to turn off profile update notifications. You want to ensure that when you start making a lot of changes to your profile, LinkedIn isn't inundating your network with annoying alerts. This is especially important if you are still employed and optimizing your profile for job search.

Regardless of your LinkedIn goal, you will benefit from the information in this book. Although LinkedIn isn't rocket science, it isn't the most intuitive social network either. Plus, writing about yourself is hard! In this book, I break everything down to its core to make it easy for you to use LinkedIn and create an impressive profile that helps you achieve your professional goals.

Foolish Assumptions

Having worked with thousands of professionals, executives, entrepreneurs, and companies from all over the world, I am going to assume that like them you are optimizing your profile for:

Professional branding/reputation management. You know that people are looking at your profile and you want to showcase yourself in a professional and impressive manner. You recognize that people draw conclusions based upon what they read, and you want to ensure they see you as a thought leader and someone who deserves to be noticed and respected.

Sales and prospecting. You want to use your LinkedIn profile to help you prospect better and sell more. You know that prospects and clients are looking at your profile, and you want them to see you as a solution provider who can help them achieve their goals. You also know that people may be looking for a service or product that you sell and you want to appear in search results.

Job search. You are either currently working or displaced, but you are ready to spread your wings and find the next great opportunity that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning and go to work. Recruiters, hiring managers, and human resources professionals are using LinkedIn to find candidates. You want to make sure that your profile stands out in those searches, and that when they click on your profile, what they read is compelling and makes them want to reach out to request your resume. Alternately, you have likely submitted your resume to various job postings and you know that recruiters, hiring managers, and human resources professionals may look at your LinkedIn profile to learn more. You want to make sure your profile is an impressive introduction that compels them to call you for an interview.

How This Book Is Organized

This book is divided into five parts:

Part 1: The Strategy Before the Siege

Most people just jump into writing their LinkedIn profiles, but not you! In this first part, I show you how to immediately stand out by determining your LinkedIn goals, target audience, and keywords.

Part 2: Getting Your LinkedIn Profile Started

In this part I show you how to turn off profile change notifications, choose a professional profile picture, and create a compelling headline. I also show you how to create a personalized link to your profile that makes marketing a cinch.

Part 3: Detailing Your Career Trajectory and Creating the Ultimate First Impression

In Part 3, I walk you through filling out the two LinkedIn profile sections the majority of people find the most challenging: Experience and Summary. You'll learn how to craft impressive experiences that focus on achievements over pure job description. You also learn how to craft a summary that acts as a professional manifesto that engages and impresses your target audience.

Part 4: Rounding Out Your Profile and Adding Finishing Touches

Part 4 is all about the extra flourishes you can add to your profile, such as with sample projects, publications, patents, organizations, and volunteer experiences. I show you how to spice up your profile with a background image and how to add multimedia work samples to take your profile to the next level.

Part 5: The Part of Tens

The Part of Tens is the traditional end of a For Dummies book and contains lists of ten items that will help you leverage your profile and LinkedIn even better. This part is packed with links to external websites that provide the tools you can use to create a powerful profile.

Icons Used in This Book

I use a number of icons in this book to draw your attention to pieces of useful information.

This whole book can be considered a series of tips! When I share information that I find especially useful for optimizing your profile, I indicate it with a Tip icon.

This icon is used to flag information that may be useful to remember when you think about and work on your profile.

Whenever something may cause unnecessary work or a headache down the road, I alert you with a Warning icon.

A Technical Stuff icon contains detailed or background information that is not necessary to know to optimize your profile, but is otherwise interesting.

Beyond the Book

In addition to what you're reading now, this book also comes with a free access-anywhere Cheat Sheet that gives you even more pointers on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile. To get this Cheat Sheet, simply go to and search for "LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies Cheat Sheet" in the Search box.

Where to Go from Here

This book was written so that you could open up at any page and immediately get actionable assistance to crank up your profile. I highly suggest beginning with Chapter 1 because it's important to identify your goals and target audience before you begin writing your profile. Also, Chapter 4 shows you how to turn off profile update notifications so you don't annoy your network. After that, check out the Table of Contents to find the profile section areas you want to concentrate on immediately, or simply randomly open the book and see what chance predicts for you.

An optimized LinkedIn profile is more than just your online reputation. A powerfully written LinkedIn profile has the ability to change your life. After optimizing their profiles, I've seen people find amazing jobs and opportunities. They connect with more people and experience the full gamut of what LinkedIn has to offer.

I wish you the very best of luck — now go get optimizing!

Part 1

The Strategy Before the Siege


Understand your LinkedIn goals and target audience to give your profile purpose.

Learn how to use the proper tone in your profile to draw people in, not push them away.

Optimize your LinkedIn search results by discovering your keywords and infusing them throughout your profile.

Learn how to use LinkedIn as a search tool and how to ensure your search result listing catches a reader's eye.

Add skills to showcase your strengths to potential employers or clients.

See why soliciting endorsements and endorsing others boosts your credibility.

Chapter 1

Determining Your LinkedIn Strategy


Deciding your LinkedIn goal

Understanding your target audience

Using the proper tone

When you register for a LinkedIn account, the first thing you encounter is the LinkedIn profile. Most people jump in and immediately fill out the fields of the profile, not giving much thought as to why they are on LinkedIn or who will eventually be reading their profile.

Profiles created without a goal or a target audience in mind lack purpose. These profiles don't catch readers' eyes and compel them to reach out to the person behind the online persona. You see these profiles on LinkedIn every day. Scanning the profile, nothing grabs you or makes you want to learn more about that person.

To experience success on LinkedIn, you must approach your LinkedIn profile strategically. In this chapter, I show you how to determine your LinkedIn strategy by looking at the three most typical goals people are trying to accomplish on LinkedIn. Once you've determined your goal, I show you how to figure out your target audience and discuss the importance of creating a compelling profile tone.

Determining Your LinkedIn Goal

To create a profile that has purpose, you must ask yourself, What am I trying to accomplish on LinkedIn? Many people get a LinkedIn account because they want to find a new job. Other people are interested in reputation management and branding. Still other people are on LinkedIn because they are in sales and want to prospect and increase sales through social selling.

To help you determine what you want your profile to accomplish, review the following three most common types of LinkedIn profiles.

Job search

LinkedIn plays a huge role in the job search process. Recruiters, hiring managers, and human resources professionals search LinkedIn looking for potential candidates. They may perform broad-based keyword searches looking for a candidate that matches the skill sets the position requires, or they may already have certain candidates in mind. When they have a person already in mind for a position, a name search is performed on LinkedIn with the goal of learning more about that person than what is stated on his or her resume.

LinkedIn is also a job board. The LinkedIn Jobs section ( is where thousands of jobs from all over the world are posted. These job postings are promoted throughout LinkedIn as well. When you find a job posting that interests you, you can apply for the position by submitting your resume and LinkedIn profile.

Even if you aren't utilizing LinkedIn's job postings or hoping to collide with a recruiter, potential employers are still looking you up on LinkedIn and reviewing your LinkedIn profile. Think about it: If you are about to hire someone, and available to you is a database in which to look this person up and see a picture of the candidate, a listing of people he or she knows, and recommendations of his or her work ethic, of course you would use it!

Potential employers are looking at your profile. The good news is you have control over how you represent yourself and how they perceive you. A job search profile complements and echoes your resume without being a direct one-to-one copy. The profile is written to the job description of that next position you are targeting and showcases you as the perfect candidate for that role.

To find out more about how to create a powerful job search profile, see Chapter 9.

Reputation management and branding

It's a Google world. At one time, if you needed to find out information, you headed to the library to search the encyclopedias and other reference materials. Now, all you need to do is pull up a web browser and perform an Internet search to get more information than you could ever read or use.

This easy access to information has some side effects. People are doing more research than ever before and they are researching you! Going to the doctor? Most people search the Internet for the doctor's name to see the results that pop up in a search engine. Executives who find their names appearing in press releases or in magazine articles may find that views to their LinkedIn profiles skyrocket by readers wanting to know more about them.

Job candidates' names are entered into search engines all the time by hiring managers looking to discover more than what is provided in the resume. Similarly, hiring managers' names are searched by job candidates wanting to learn more about their potential new employer.

LinkedIn profiles rank high in search results. Not only is it usually the top result when a person searches for your name, but also it's sometimes the only result, as most people don't have a personal website. You create your LinkedIn profile. You choose what people learn about you. You have total control over how people perceive you. A reputation management profile is one that showcases your successes, honors, awards, and accomplishments, and leads people to see you as a credible, impressive professional. See Figure 1-1 for an example.

FIGURE 1-1: A reputation management and branding profile.

Sales and prospecting

LinkedIn is more than just a job search tool. LinkedIn is a compendium of professional profiles with industry and contact information, which makes it a terrific prospecting tool for sales professionals. However, it's not just for sales people looking for prospects. People use LinkedIn to search for service providers and consultants who can help them.

Most people prefer to do business with someone they know or someone with whom they share a connection. When searching LinkedIn for a service provider, you see how you are connected to that service provider through the degrees of connection. This ability to see shared connections provides a level of trust and comfort.

A sales and prospecting profile shines the spotlight on not just the salesperson, but also on that person's products, services, and company he or she represents. Most important, the sales and prospecting profile focuses on prospective clients and their needs, and solidifies the salesperson as someone clients can feel confident in working with. See Figure 1-2 for an example.

FIGURE 1-2: A sales and prospecting profile.

Figuring Out Your Target Audience

Knowing your goal is only half the battle. Now it's time to figure out your target audience. One of the most common mistakes people make with their LinkedIn profiles is using it to tell the story they want to tell. Instead, you need to use your profile to tell the story your audience wants to read. Write for your target audience first.

When you are looking for a job, your target audience is typically recruiters, hiring managers, and human resources professionals. In almost every case, they are armed with a job description. Recruiters want to know that you have the skill sets and experience required to fulfill the job. They also want to know that you are professional, respectful, and capable of doing the job. You want to make it clear in your profile that you are the perfect person for your desired position. After reading your profile, the recruiter should feel confident in your skills and abilities.

When you are on LinkedIn for sales and prospecting, your target audience is your client and prospective client. They are less interested in hearing about your sales expertise and more interested in knowing that you understand their industry and their needs, and can provide solutions to their issues. As you consider your target audience, think in terms of the solutions you offer them and provide them the information they need to feel confident with you as a potential partner.

The sales world has changed in the age of Google and social media. Buyers now educate themselves, researching products and services online. They even research the salesperson, wanting to make sure they are reaching out to someone they can feel comfortable working with. Knowing that you are under a magnifying glass, make sure you provide your target audience with the information they need to feel confident in you and your products or services.

When the goal of your LinkedIn profile is reputation management and branding, your target audience may not be as clear cut as it is with a job search or sale and prospecting. To figure out your audience, you need to determine the type of person you want to cater your profile toward. Is it the executive team and colleagues at your company? Audience members who watched you give a presentation? Readers of articles you wrote? Private equity investors? Once you pinpoint the type of person who you want to target, consider what that person needs to know to take that next step forward.

Do you want your target audience to connect with you on LinkedIn? Perhaps you want them to visit your website and download a whitepaper. You may want your target audience to email you to request your resume. Your target audience could pick up the phone and call you. Figure out what that next step is so you can build it into your profile as a clear call to action.

Strategically written profiles do not state what you want to say as much as what your target audience needs to know.

Creating a Compelling Tone

LinkedIn is a social network, and writing an impersonal profile filled with business jargon doesn't mesh. Social networks are all about you interacting with your network. And because your network will check out your profile, it's imperative that what they read is from your pen. You don't want to push people away by creating distance between you and your reader.

A powerful LinkedIn profile is written in first person narrative form (I). Draw readers in by writing about yourself in the first person. Writing in a conversational, natural tone is a great way to connect with your audience and start forging an easy rapport.

As important as it is to write in first person, you also must be careful not to overuse I. There is nothing worse than a profile where every sentence starts with I. In my profile, I sometimes use the second person narrative form (You) because it brings your reader in even closer by speaking directly to them, and it eases the potential overuse of I.

The best way to ensure your profile is compellingly written is to read it aloud. Does it sound stilted? Does it sound like it's something you would never say to an acquaintance live in person? If so, the writing is forced and not conversational in tone.

Here is an example of stilted, hard-to-read resume speak:

Creating a clear strategy for leveraging resources to produce the maximum number of insights possible. Integrating contextual analytics to business processes. Centralizing deep analysis expertise for use across the organizational axis but mandating each individual department and line of business takes responsibility for their own reporting needs.

You want to write your profile as if you are talking directly to your reader. Your words should sound professional yet natural. A profile written in corporate jargon or resume speak is a turn off. Demonstrate your human side and warmth by writing in a natural, conversational tone.

When you see profiles written in the third person, typically the reason is that they simply copied and pasted their biography or resume into the LinkedIn profile. That's a cop-out! Your LinkedIn profile is not your resume nor your bio. Your LinkedIn profile is your career future! It's who you are, how you help people, and why you deserve to be noticed. A powerful LinkedIn profile is strategically written for your goals and your target audience. It's not a copy and paste of some other document.

Next up we look at how to get found on LinkedIn.

Chapter 2

Getting Found on LinkedIn


Optimizing your LinkedIn search results

Determining your keywords

Creating a clickable search result

Increasing your search ranking

LinkedIn helps people connect with opportunity. Whether it's a new job, a sale, a media interview, a business partnership, or something else entirely, many times the connection starts with a LinkedIn search.

LinkedIn has over 500 million users in over 200 countries. Making sure your profile sticks out and pops up is important. In this chapter I show you how people use LinkedIn as a search engine. I show you the importance of your search result and how to make it attractive and clickable. I also show you how to discover your keywords and how to infuse them into your profile for higher search engine ranking. By the time you finish this chapter, you will have a list of your keywords and the knowledge of how to dominate LinkedIn search results.

Using LinkedIn as a Search Engine

Getting views to your profile doesn't always start through an Internet search. LinkedIn is more than just a professional network and profile listing. LinkedIn is a different type of search engine. Most search engines return websites. Searches conducted via a LinkedIn search return LinkedIn profiles, company pages, job listings, reader-published blog articles, and LinkedIn Groups. LinkedIn search is also used to find potential customers, vendors, service providers, and employees.

Using the search bar

On the top of LinkedIn's website is the search bar. This is where most people enter their search terms. When people search LinkedIn, they search in two different ways: name or keyword. A direct name search is typically performed after a resume has been received or when a person has met you and is looking to connect on LinkedIn. The person doing the search is looking for one, specific person.

Most times, people are searching not for a specific person but for a type of person with distinct skill sets and strengths. In this situation, the person conducting the search enters those skill sets as keywords into the LinkedIn search bar. For example, Figure 2-1 shows the results of a LinkedIn search for the keywords LinkedIn Profile Writer. The search results display profiles that contain those keywords. Your profile never displays as a search result listing if those keywords do not exist within the profile. Therefore, to get found in searches, your profile must contain the keywords a person is using in the search.

FIGURE 2-1: Search results for the keywords, LinkedIn Profile Writer.

Using search filters

The LinkedIn search bar is not the only way to search within LinkedIn. When recruiters search LinkedIn, they often use LinkedIn's Search filters. See what the People search filters look like in Figure 2-2.

FIGURE 2-2: People search filters.

The search filters provide additional fields to narrow your search to exactly your target results. You can search by location, current and past company, industry, school, and language. You can also drill in even deeper by searching by First and Last Names or Job Titles. Premium LinkedIn members get access to even more filters such as Years of Experience, Function, Seniority Level, Company Size, and more.

Recruiters typically search by the job titles they are trying to fill. If they are looking for a candidate in a specific area, they will add the Location to make sure they are only finding people within that area.

Follow these steps to use LinkedIn's search filters:

Go to

From any LinkedIn page, click the magnifying glass icon, which is found to the right of the LinkedIn search bar.

The search filters sidebar opens on the right.

Enter your desired search terms into any of the open fields.

Filter the search results by the degree of connection you'd like to appear in the search results, selected geographic area, or industry.

Click Search,

Linkedin Profile Optimization For Dummies Pdf


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