
Keep Up The Good Work Images

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Cleanliness is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Washing helps to remove germs that cause illness. Maintaining your personal hygiene will also help your social interactions with others.[1] In addition to keeping yourself clean, you should also keep your living area clean, such as your home or apartment. You should also keep clean while you are on the go, such as when you are at work or when you are traveling.

  1. 1

    Shower regularly. Cleansing your body regularly is an important part of a good hygiene routine.[2] You should try to shower once or twice a week, as showering once a day can end up actually drying out your skin. You should also shower if you end up sweating a lot, such as after a workout or after spending a hot, humid day outside.[3]

    • Make sure you wash the areas where you sweat the most, including your armpits, genitals, and breasts. You should also keep your feet clean and wash them in the shower. Use a washcloth and soap to clean between your toes and under your feet.[4] After you wash your feet, dry them thoroughly. This helps prevents conditions like warts or athlete's foot.
    • Wash your hair. Your hair type will determine how often you need to wash your hair. Finer, thinner hair often requires more frequent washing. Wash your hair when it becomes visibly oily and stringy.
    • Finding how long you can go between shampoos may take a bit of experimentation, but it will help you build up your natural hair oils, and keep your hair strong.
  2. 2

    Practice good oral hygiene. To keep your mouth clean and encourage fresh breath, you should brush your teeth twice a day. Brushing your teeth helps to remove food and plaque that can cause cavities. In addition to brushing your teeth, you should get in the habit of flossing once a day.[5]

    • Brush your teeth for at least two minutes, once in the morning and once at night. Try using a timer or listening to a song all the way through each time you brush. Soft bristled toothbrushes are best because they won't damage your gums.[6]
    • When you brush your teeth, hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums, and brush with short, up-and-down strokes. Brush the outsides and insides of your teeth, your back molars, and your tongue.
    • Choose fluoride toothpaste. Toothpaste with fluoride helps strengthen your enamel. If you do choose a toothpaste free from fluoride, be extra intentional about your oral hygiene routine. Avoid long-term use of whitening toothpastes, as these can be abrasive on your teeth.


  3. 3

    Wash your hands . Regular hand washing will keep you healthy and clean. First, wet your hands, turn off the tap, and lather your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. Rinse your hands under clean, running water, and dry them with a clean towel, or allow them to air dry.[7] You should wash your hands:

    • If they appear visibly dirty
    • Before preparing or eating food
    • Before and after you care for someone who is ill
    • Before and after treating a wound
    • After blowing your nose, sneezing, or coughing
    • After using the bathroom
    • After handling garbage
    • After handling animals or animal waste
    • After touching a surface frequently touched by other people
  4. 4

    Take good care of your skin . Make sure you wash your face twice a day, once in the morning when you wake up and once when you go to bed.[8] If you sweat, wash your face right away to help prevent clogged pores.

    • You should also exfoliate your skin.[9] For healthy skin, you should exfoliate once a week. Exfoliation helps slough away dead skin cells. Choose an exfoliating scrub with round granules that are small, as you don't want to irritate your skin.
  5. 5

    Groom yourself . Keep yourself well groomed so you appear clean and put together. This means upkeeping your overall appearance, from your hair to your nails to your clothing.

    • Trim both your fingernails and toenails regularly with sharp nail scissors or clippers.[10] If possible, keep your nails short, as it is easier to keep short nails clean.
    • Don't cut or trim your cuticles.[11] This can lead to infection. If you have dirt under your fingernails, use a nail brush or old toothbrush to scrub it away.
    • You should remove peeling nail polish so your hands look clean and polished. When your nail polish begins to chip, take it off with nail polish remover. Either reapply the polish, or leave your nails bare.
    • You should also make sure your hair looks well styled and groomed. Schedule regular hair cuts with your stylist so your hair does not become overgrown or develop split ends.
  6. 6

    Prevent body odor . Body odor is completely natural, especially after exercising. It is courteous to others, however, especially in public areas like school or work, to maintain a pleasant body odor. You can prevent bad body odor by wearing deodorant regularly as well as when you workout or sweat a lot. Along with regular bathing, deodorant can help keep you smelling fresh.[12]

    • Many deodorants with antiperspirants contain aluminum, which some people consider harmful to your health. If you're concerned about aluminum, try a natural alternative deodorant instead.[13]
    • If you choose, you can also wear perfume or cologne. Don't use these, however, to merely mask your body odor. You may apply perfume or cologne along with deodorant to ensure you have a pleasant smell.
    • Some foods, such as those containing sulfur like broccoli, can make your body odor unpleasant. You may avoid these foods if you are concerned about your body odor.[14]


  1. 1

    Do laundry frequently. You should also keep your living area clean and tidy by picking up dirty clothing on the floor and making sure it ends up in the laundry bin. Then, make it a habit to do your laundry frequently, preferably on a weekly basis. This will ensure you have clean clothes available every day and that your living area is not cluttered with dirty clothing.[15]

    • You should also make a point of washing your bed sheets and your bath towels once a week to ensure they stay clean and free of germs. You should also wash any blankets, rugs, or cleaning rags once a week so they stay fresh and dust free.
    • You may designate one day of the week "laundry day", such as Sunday, so you always do laundry once a week.
  2. 2

    Keep your area tidy and clean . Whether you live in a house, an apartment, or you have a room at your parent's place, you should make an effort to keep your area clean. This means doing daily cleaning like dusting, sweeping, and mopping the floors so they do not collect dust or dirt.[16] You should also pick up after yourself and put any items you have been using away so they do not create clutter.

    • You may decide to organize your area if it has become too messy and cluttered. Having a space that is organized will make it easier to keep it clean and tidy.
    • When you are cleaning your area, you should use effective cleaning products. Make sure you use cleaning products to wipe down surfaces and to mop the floors. You should also use carpet cleaning products to clean any rugs or carpet in your area.
  3. 3

    Make a schedule for household chores. You can also stay organized and on top of your household chores by making a schedule and sticking to the schedule. A schedule for chores may be ideal if there are multiple people living in your household, such as roommates or siblings. You should assign different chores to each person or rotate chores so they get done.[17]

    • For example, you may have chores like "cleaning the kitchen", "taking out the garbage and the recycling", "cleaning the bathroom", and "sweeping the porch." You should then agree to rotate the chores with the people in your home or assign each chore to one person.
    • Try to hold yourself and others accountable for getting the chores done. Working together to do the chores as a team will make them much easier to tackle than having to do them on your own.
  4. 4

    Do regular "deep cleans". You should also schedule in "deep cleans" of your home or living area. Doing a deep clean once a month will ensure your home stays clean and prevents the build up of dust and dirt.[18] [19]

    • Start by decluttering any areas in your home. You should also start high and move your way down, focusing on cleaning your ceilings, your walls, and your baseboards.
    • You may also vacuum your home from top to bottom and wash the windows inside and out to remove dust and dirt. You can also clean any blinds, drapes, or curtains with the brush attachment on the vacuum.
    • You should also dust all surfaces in your home with a microfiber cloth.[20] Move any items on shelves or ledges and make sure you dust the entire surface.
    • Sweep and mop the floors if you have hardwood, focusing on all the crevices and cracks in the floor. You should use a professional carpet cleaner for carpeted floors.


  1. 1

    Keep your work area clean. You should also focus on keeping your area at work clean and tidy. Having a clean work area will show others you can be tidy at work and appear professional.

    • If you have a desk in your office at work, you should make sure it stays clean and organized. You may do a weekly or monthly clean out of your desk to get rid of any papers, sticky notes, or office supplies you no longer need.
    • If you have a work locker, you should keep it clean and get rid of any clutter so it is not overstuffed or full of junk. You may do a monthly clean of your locker to get rid of any items you no longer need or use.
  2. 2

    Clean your car on a regular basis. If you own a vehicle, you should get in the habit of giving your car a good clean down once a week or once a month. You should clean the exterior and the interior of your car so your ride appears clean and fresh.[21]

    • Go through your car and get rid of any take out boxes or papers. You should also wipe down the interior of the car to remove any dust or dirt. You may take out the carpeted mats in the car and have them professionally cleaned if they appear dirty or do not smell fresh.
    • You should also take your car through a self-service carwash and give it a good clean using water and soap. Make sure you dry and buff the car well so it looks polished and clean.
    • Depending on your budget, you may splurge on a professional car wash once every few months to keep your car extra clean.
  3. 3

    Maintain good hygiene throughout the day. You should also maintain good hygiene at work and when you are on the go so you appear clean and tidy. Make sure you wash your hands before and after you eat as well as any time you use the bathroom. You should also clean your hands after you use a public space, such as riding the bus or the train.

    • You should also maintain a clean appearance and appear well groomed. If you eat foods that contain garlic at lunch, for example, you may brush your teeth afterward to freshen your breath. If you workout on your lunch break, you should take a shower so you are fresh and clean for when you return to the office.
  4. 4

    Stay clean while traveling. It can be tricky to stay clean while you are traveling, especially if you are traveling to an area that does not have standard washrooms or a Western idea of cleanliness. You should pack cleaning products so you are prepared and can stay clean when you are on the go.[22]

    • You may decide to create a travel kit to bring with you so you are prepared and can stay clean. The travel kit may include hand sanitizer, hand wipes, band aids, sunscreen, and breath mints.
    • You may also pack extra sanitary wipes and tissues in your travel bag so they are on hand when you need them. If required, you should also include tampons or pads so you have them if you get your period while traveling.


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  • Question

    Why must we keep our homes clean?

    Community Answer

    Clean houses are pleasant to live in, while dirty houses are attractive only to bugs and vermin.

  • Question

    Why must we clean our body?

    Community Answer

    Cleaning your body helps to control body odor and prevent infection and clogged pores.

  • Question

    How can I bathe a bedridden person?

    Community Answer

    You will most likely need the help of at least one more person to pick the bedridden individual up and get them to the wash room to bathe them like normal. The other alternative if the individual absolutely cannot leave the bed is to give them a sponge bath.

  • Question

    I can use tea tree oil on my face, right?

    Community Answer

    Yes, but just in case your skin is sensitive, you should use small amounts and wash your face before applying the tea tree oil.

  • Question

    If we cut our nails, what will happen?

    Community Answer

    They will get shorter, which will make them cleaner, because there's less room for dirt to be trapped under your nails.

  • Question

    What do you do if your vaginal area smells, and you're too ashamed to go out or see a doctor? Can I just use soap and water?

    Community Answer

    It's natural for the vagina to have a slight smell. You can wash this area with a gentle soap and water. Never douche, however, as this can upset the pH and balance of microorganisms in the vagina. If you do have an unusual or especially strong smell, you should see a doctor. Left untreated, some vaginal problems can become worse.

  • Question

    How many times a day should I wash my hands?

    Community Answer

    There is no set number for how many times a day you should wash your hands. You should wash them before/after eating, after touching dirty objects, before/after touching animals- whenever your hands are dirty and you feel like you should wash them.

  • Question

    What will happen if you do not keep clean?


    People will stay away from you, your appearance will suffer, and you may smell. You may also suffer health issues or infections due to lack of hygiene.

  • Question

    How to you wash the insides of your bottom?

    Community Answer

    Use a gentle soap, and lather it with your hands.. Wash your hands thoroughly after you wash this area.

  • Question

    How do I clean my neck?



    Community Answer

    With soap and water, just like the rest of your body.

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Article SummaryX

To keep yourself clean, shower once or twice a week and shampoo your hair whenever it gets oily. You should also practice good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, which will strengthen your enamel. In addition, take good care of your skin and prevent clogged pores by washing your face in the morning when you wake up, as well as in the evening before bed. If you want to prevent body odor, wear a light deodorant or strong antiperspirant. Also, if you want to maintain a clean living space, you can keep your area tidy by wiping down dusty surfaces, putting away items you don't need, and creating a schedule for household chores, like laundry. For more advice, like how to stay clean when you're on the go, read on!

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Keep Up The Good Work Images


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